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Friday, December 26, 2003
"Are you coming to my X'mas party?" A friend sms-ed me the other day.
I felt enraged. No, not that I don't like my friend or whatever. I was angry at the term most people used during this season when God gave us His most precious gift, Jesus Christ. X'mas? Shouldn't it be called CHRISTmas? Since when did Christ our Lord get replaced by an 'X'? How did the day of celebration of the birth of Christ our Saviour, Christmas, got replaced by a lousy 'X'? How did the term come about in the first place too? By some politically correct lawyers who didn't want to use a religious name but still want a lame excuse to join in the merry making and celebrations to binge and wine? I'm grieved in my spirit. Christmas has become so commercialised that most people are missing out on the origin of Christmas. Was talking to my colleagues, discussing about Christmas plans in the office, and I took the opportunity to ask them about the origins of Chrismas, on why we celebrate Christmas. I'm really surprised to hear one of them admitting that he don't really know. Took the opportunity to share Christ, but he didn't seem really interested and pushed the conversation back to merry making and wining and dining. I like the analogy my pastor preached yesterday: "Without knowing the origin of Christmas, and yet celebrating Christmas, it's like going to a birthday party and you don't even know who the birthday boy is." How sad is that for the Birthday Boy. May we all remember the origin of Christmas. The birth of our Saviour, Christ the Lord. Monday, June 30, 2003
A friend asked me how do I know I'm hearing from God, and how do I know it's His voice.
You know, actually God does not speak to us in a booming deep voice. He speaks to me through the Holy Spirit, and through His Words in the Bible. That is where the key comes in. A good foundation in the Word will help one hear better. The Holy Spirit brings me to remembrance what He said before in His Word and reinforces them in conviction in my heart. And yes, where times I backslided off terribly, I have to pray harder just to hear from Him. Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Do you sense that the Liar is getting very worried?
There's more of the deception tricks used by him to diverge many and stumble many from the right path. More are turning to witchcraft, tarot cards, fortune telling, astrology and the likes. And to make it even more inconspicious, you have M movies with the a same copycat theme of the Messiah, movies of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) They make people think, yet give them warped thoughts. Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Standing still with God is hard.
Yet, many times in my life, I'm told to stand still and wait. Like Joseph in the pit. Then there's a big temptation to turn to the left. Or to the right. The options looks tempting. Like the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Sometimes I feel forgotten. And it's indeed a humbling experience. Thursday, May 29, 2003
I've learnt, that God sometimes place us under unreasonable leaders.
Or put one in unfavourable situations that seems foreboding. It's not that His hand of protection is not over me. Just that there's certain things I have to learn about submitting to authority even if I think they are wrong (or that I may be wrong too). This time though, I know I kicked and struggled against it, sometimes even trying to manipulate the situation such that it becomes favourable. Took me four years to get it into my hard head. Thursday, April 10, 2003
Are most Singaporeans unsympathetic in their view and apprach to the war over at the other side of the world?
Feel that most Singaporeans unsympathetic in their view and approach to the war over at the other side of the world. Yes, but I can empathise, here in Singapore where we have no natural disasters, we tend to sometimes take everything for granted. Being cooped up in a perfectly safe haven, with such a good governement babysitting most of us, we visualise this invisible sheath of protection sometimes. Have I ever been caught in a life threatening situation? 3 years back, God saw me through the 911 earthquake in Taiwan. And that changed the way I look at my life. And my spiritual life. In perilous and uncertain times, one only can learn to trust in Him. Monday, April 07, 2003
"The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him." Psalm 25:14
Read in an independent media article today.. " ..The US President frequently confides to individuals and friendly audiences that he is guided by God's hand. But if God guided him into an invasion of Iraq, He sent a different message to the Pope, the Conference of Catholic Bishops, the mainline Protestant National Council of Churches and many distinguished rabbis--all of whom believe the invasion and bombardment of Iraq is against God's will.... I most certainly do not see God at work in the slaughter and destruction now unfolding in Iraq or in the war plans now being developed for additional American invasions of other lands. The hand of the Devil? Perhaps. But how can I suggest that a fellow Methodist with a good Methodist wife is getting guidance from the Devil? I don't want to get too self-righteous about all of this. After all, I have passed the 80 mark, so I don't want to set the bar of acceptable behavior too high lest I fail to meet the standard for a passing grade on Judgment Day. I've already got a long list of strikes against me." Talk about the art of deception... I sincerely believe that those who are walking a close intimate walk with God will be able to distinguish His voice from the 'noise'. However when I read that these statements, I could feel God pointing me to Rev 3:16 "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth" It talks about the deception of many Christians in the last days, who will fall into the trap of deception of thinking that they are already saved, believing they have a ticket to heaven just by believing and yet continuing in their lives, and coming to God as and when they need Him only. Hearing directly from God. What a privilege. Yet, it does not happen for nothing. Only best friends and close friends reveal the deepest secrets of their hearts to each other. I don't want to comment on who's hearing the 'right' voice, but those who have an open communication system with the God will know.. Yes, they do. Saturday, March 15, 2003
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” Proverbs 9:10 Years ago, in the final year of my university, I needed cognition desperately to comprehend complicated theories in journals and conceptualise extensive formulations in my graduation thesis. However, understanding could not be guided by another much. Understanding and revelation has to come by yourself. In desperation I sought the Lord constantly, who gave me a verse. And miraculously a few weeks later, every thing took light. Suddenly everything seem to be at ease. I have a clear mind that worked like a sponge, taking in complex issues, having a good and firm grasp of complex theorems, and having deep understanding. The most remarkable benefit I reap from this sudden influx of blessing from the Lord was that I grew in stature and understanding in His Word too. God even began revealing certain plans He had in store for me and I drew closer to Him. Years later, and several trials and valley walks later, I have another revelation of this Word. In the past year, in my trips of snorkeling (the beauty and myriad colour of the fishes and corals) and mountain climbing (the majestic mountains and dazzling sunsets) , I have gawked many times at His beauty of Creation and am reminded of how minute we are compared to His spectacular grandeur. I recalled one particular mountain trip. I was suffering from attitude sickness and the pressure gets to my head whenever I lie down. As such I had to sleep propping up by the bed, and my bed facing the window at an attitude of 3000+m gave a spectacular view to marvel at. The stars and constellations were so clear, and God’s Word in Job 38:31-33 came to mind “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the belt of Orion? Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its seasons? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominance over the earth?” It brought me to a new level of the fear of the Lord when I comprehended, as His Creation, how minute I am compared to His splendor. I’ve seen some who stumbled and fall in their walks in the valleys, complaining and murmuring at God. (Just my humble opinion, have those who murmured ever stopped to ponder on where they come from?) Yet, in midst of these, they are some, who like Job, did not “sin against God” and let the deception of satan fall through. (One of satan’s plot in making us turn against God is to make us misunderstand God’s intentions and misjudge God) So in midst of trials and tribulations, I just need to hold on to this belief, to have a fear of God, know and understand that He is in control, and as Solomon aptly put it, “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” Ecc 12:13 Sunday, March 02, 2003
In my workplace, I seem to be surrounded by several people who seem to purposely provoke me to anger and frustrations.
And I have a problem dealing with my emotion of anger and frustration. I get irritated easily when deadlines are looming, things need to be resolved and yet some people take their own sweet time. Then dump the problem to my side when problems arise, like it’s my fault that I do not keep track of progresses. I snap easily and explode emotionally sometimes to vent out the frustrations and grievances. Just the other day, I was in a meeting and have to resist a strong urge to storm out of the room when some hurting and false accusations were thrown my way. Could feel the heat in my face and the tears that were beginning to well up inside had a hard time to be held back. Read in the news today that the Saudi Crown Prince stormed out of some Arab summit in anger due to some unpleasant remarks, of which I can empathise. But… Is a Christian supposed to have emotional outburst and vent out our frustrations? Do I acknowledge my emotions or do I bottle it up, forgive and forget, just because it is a ‘Christian-y’ thing to do? In Psalm 109, David's angry words seem almost ruthless How could David pray all those evil things about his enemy? It sounds like pure hatred. But I think David's words didn't surprise God, After all, if it’s not meant to be, why did God let these words stay on 2000 years later so we can read it today? I believe God already knew what he was thinking and feeling. David was simply expressing his pain, hurt and anger frankly to his God. I feel that God want us to dump these hurt, frustrations and hatred to Him so we won't dump it on others in destructive way. David was as candid about his need for God as he was about expressing his feelings, who closed the psalm by praying: "Help me, O LORD my God. . . .With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD" And I think the way David acknowledged his feelings is healthy. A Christian could come to his private time with God feeling angry, depressed or frustrated and then express some pious comments as if God doesn't discern how he feel. But I don’t think God will be pleased. As such, we’ll be mere hypocrites, trying to deny our real feelings and trying to act ‘holy’ in front of God. In God's eyes, if we are not real with Him, it does not please Him. Afterall, the fundamental basis of our creation is fellowship with God, A real and honest fellowship, and not some mere hypocrisy. Acknowledging our emotions also involves being real in front of a few trusted friends. During his travels, Paul had Barnabas, Silas or Timothy to lean on. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus expressed His grief to His inner circle of Peter, James and John. I pray, Lord, that I can be real and honest with You. Help me develop a few trusted friends who will also welcome my emotional honesty. Sunday, February 16, 2003
Millions took to the streets all over the world to protest after the United States pushed for a resolution at the United Nations for military action against Baghdad. Why do these people take to the streets? Similarly, why do people want to write a petition? Simply because actions with volume and quantity speak of strength. There’s immense strength in numbers.
It works the same way in the spiritual world too. A friend was lamenting to me about where her spiritual gifts lies and was contemplating on which ministry to join in the church. She does not have the time or patience to join the children’s or usher ministry, can’t sing well enough to join the choir ministry, can’t dance well enough to join the dance ministry, can’t act well enough to join the drama ministry… I say, there’s a gift or a ministry everyone of us is well qualified to do. Pray. Act as an intercessory role. “..You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.” For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.” Act 28 :26-27 It was a natural thing for me to believe in God. I never questioned why. I just believe. Hence there was a period of time in my naivety, where I just do not understand why people are so resistant to the gospel. Till God showed me that I was lucky enough to be blessed by His grace with open ears and open eyes and an open heart. Most people have been masked and blinded by satan to hear and know and understand the good news. That’s why they are resistant and mock it. It’s hard to get them to cross over to this side. The only power to break Satan’s mask in these people lives is prayer. As mentioned earlier, there’s strength in numbers. And there’s immense strength in large numbers of prayers. Yet, sadly, many Christians don’t spend much time praying. Even if they do, they spend praying about their own personal lives, about their own needs and wants. Let’s pray for these people whose eyes are blinded by satan’s mask of deceit. "Cast your burdens to the Lord." If God takes our lives’ burdens away, shouldn’t we help to lift His too? Let the Holy Spirit guide us to listen to the Father’s burdens. Sunday, February 09, 2003
I recently came back from a mountain climbing trip.
Had a really arduous time climbing up as I had altitude sickness due to the thinning oxygen levels. But once at the peak, all thoughts of hardship were forgotten as we marvel at God’s handicraft of nature. In my own walk with God, I have been through several valleys and mountain top experiences. The mountain top experiences felt great and wonderful. Simply utopia. The valley experiences though were dark and boding. My life was stagnant, nothing seemed to be moving. Depression seems to beckon sometimes in midst of solitary. Whenever I am forced into the valleys, I get a whole new perspective on life. Things I once desire no longer hold the same value. What I once deemed important, no longer holds any significance. It was impossible to appreciate any valley experience while I was in it. Only upon reaching the top of the mountain, I was then able to appreciate and marvel at the terrain or the beauty of the experience I have passed through and lay aside the sorrow and pain it may have produced. The valley of the shadow of death has yielded more than I ever thought possible. Those who have walked in hard places have an affinity with others who have walked there also. They need no explanation, they can look to each other with mutual respect for their common experience, knowing that death has worked a distinct thing in them because of the valleys God has taken them through. The hard places have allowed me to empathise with the sufferings of others instead of having only a shallow view of the hardships of others. Those with no experience of such trials often judge others who have had such hardship. It is a superficiality of Christian experience that permeates shallow believers. Death works in us for a greater purpose. If you are there today (which I am today, again stuck in one!), be assured that God is producing something of much greater value in you. Just learn from it and God will move you out ever so gently and lovingly in His own time. “So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.” (2 Corinthians 4:12) Friday, February 07, 2003
“If you love Me, you’ll love My people too.”
These were the exact words God spoke to me during one of my dark periods in life. One of the first few areas He worked in my life was on the area of pride. God has certainly put a few people in my life to test the limit of my fuse. Especially people who have hurt emotionally, but He actually taught me to love them. I mean, how could you love someone who probably has bruised your pride, ie the lecturer in school or boss at work that is totally unreasonable and mean and speaks cutting words that deflates your sense of ego tremendously. Or an annoying guy/ girl in school or office who keeps on bragging about himself and putting others down. I’ve cogitated though, if you love God, you’ll learn to love his people too, no matter how unpleasant they may be. It’s just difficult, that’s all. Ultimately, our ability to love is limited by our pride. Pride is an attempt either to: 1.To add to our personal worth or 2. To verify our personal worth by something we do/ say or refuse to do/ say. Pride makes you the final authority in life. It does not however necessarily involve a haughty attitude. Fundamentally, it is placing yourself above God and/or others. Pride also damages your relationships with others by unconsciously seeing them as threats, and constantly justifying yourself in your behaviour and actions. This insidiously also puts a limitation in one’s ability to love and receive love. The answer to pride is to remember that God loves all of us infinitely and equally. C.S. Lewis wrote, "Pride is the mother hen under which all other sins are hatched." This statement certainly agrees with those by Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, who held that "pride is the very essence of sin." The original sin of Satan was pride, who falsely proclaimed: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation . . . I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." The saddest consequence of pride is that a person refuses to receive Jesus as his Savior. Due to the reason that he won't believe what God has revealed to him concerning salvation. Or, even if believing, refuses to receive His free gift of eternal life. Instead, believing in his own good works or the assumption that he’s not any worse than the other person on the street, he thinks God ought to save him. That is tragic for he doesn’t know what his is missing out on.
God moves in totally unexpected ways.
Don't you think so? It's really a challenging day everyday with unexpected but pleasant surprises and gifts from our Creator! Hallelujah!